Four Square Memories
Sporty Day--well kinda

Party on the Patio and Peony Preservation

I threw a little soiree a couple of weeks ago on the patio for a few of my favorite gals. The original plan was to celebrate my garden in high glory during peony-blooming time, but summer had started up in a whirlwind the week after Memorial Day and didn't put me down until July.  

  Spring garden

So, I plucked a few buds at the end of the blooming season and stashed them away in the back of my fridge until I had time to pull off a proper summer-time celebration (see instructions below).

These arrangements were the result of two-months worth of garden gems and roadside wildflowers.


They ran a close second to my favorite part of the evening--the guests.  I probably don't have to tell you what a blessing a handful of true blue girlfriends can be.  I've spent the good part of my adulthood getting by without them, but in the past year, Heaven has handed me their hearts. They inspire me, they make me brave, they make me question the status quo, they show me Love, and they've been known to switch their filters off and crank up the conversation to "keepin it real," mode.


I didn't photograph much of the night, but everyone else did (thanks Sarah Jane for the pictures included here).  Check out Shannan's  run-down of the legendary "patio party" on her legendary blog:  Flower Patch Farmgirl.


Preserving Peonies:

Snip buds with sharp pruners once they open up just enough to feel like a marshmallow, leaving a long stem.

Dip each stem in liquid parafin wax you've heated up in a double boilder.

Wrap your bouquet in a damp paper towel, place in a plastic grocery bag, and store in the fridge for up to two months--maybe three--just experiment.

About 8 - 12 hours before your event, remove the flowers from the fridge, snip the wax ends off and place in a vase of luke-warm water.

Watch them bloom throughout the day!
